Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Blown Fuses, blown fuses, electric clutch

Hello,Ben I have a Troy Bilt GTX18 1998 Model 13074.Will run good
as long as I don't try to use PTO for mower blows fuse and of course kills engine.When I got this Tractor last year it all worked good.Then the PTO would disengage after about 20 min.When it cooled off it would come on for alittle while then kick out again.I found that the 20amp fuse was melted together an must have been that way for awhile.Any I replaced the fuse holder with new fuse starts right up dies when PTO switch is turned on.I replaced ignition switch and pto same thing.Most of safety switches were already disconnected.Hope this will help.I am not a mechanic but can do most things just gettin old Ha Ha.Old Army Guy 61-64 Germany.Thanks and God Bless

First of all welcome home brother and thanks for YOUR SERVICE!!

I'd check the blade spindles and pulleys for the belts. Those bushings can wear out pretty quick and a bad or dry spindle bearing would cause some serious load on the pto and engine. I really would check the electric clutch. the pto itself. In other words, start at the front of the line and work your way back to the pto. You don't want to replace the pto if there's another underlying problem which will just fry the new one. Kind of like changing a tube without removing the nail in the tire ;)check the wire in that circit. I bet its chaffed somewere. Also check any grounds in the system. If you see nothing wrong, make up a fused jumper wire, and go right to the cluch and check it out. If that works, just work backwards till you find it.