Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): safety swithes on Murray 42 - model 42515x92A riding mower, swithes, tecumseh engine
QuestionHello, I have a Murray 42", model 42515x92A mower with a tecumseh engine. The seat safety switch plunger is in the compressed position (as if I was was sitting on the seat). I took the switch out and after several shakes the plunger extended. It seems like the spring in the switch is broken. Would this keep the mower from starting?
Yes it would the seat switch when not compressed leaves a open circuit. This prevents the engine from starting when no one is in the seat. This also protects the rider if the mower is on a slope and it turns over and the rider gets thrown off it will shut down the mower preventing the mowers blades to injure the rider or keep it from traveling if it lands in the upright position. Order a new switch. We carry the switch in stock at our web site just put the part number in the search box.94159MA is the part number.