Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 900 series briggs starts, dies in few minutes, engine model type, rototiller
QuestionLast week I purchased a new engine for my rototiller and installed it, added oil, and started to till. Tiller ran fine that day, however, when I continued my tilling today the tiller ran for about ten minutes and sputtered and died. If I choke it the engine will start again, only to die in moments again. I checked the oil, it is full, though it looks a little thin to me. I haven't did the break-in oil change as yet. This engine has the oil alert system but I don't think that is the issue. MY fuel is fresh but I suppose I could have gotten some dirt in the gas or something. This engine is new, what do you think?
AnswerSince it is a tiller I would suspect some dirt got in the carb. While a dirty carb is not covered by warranty it would be best to have a Briggs certified repair center clean the carb. If you clean the carb you could void the warranty.
Where did you buy the engine and what is the engine model, type and code number?
Let me know.