Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Ariens lawn mower wont start - 4th time used, ariens lawn mower, terminal post

We purchased a Ariens lawn mower at the end of last season, We used it twice last summer.  We took it out 2 weeks ago from storage - kept it covered - still looks brand new - and we mowed our lawn, everything went smoothly.  We took it out today, filled it with gas, checked the oil, sat on it and got ready to start it up - turned the key - and nothing.  Nothing happened at all.  We checked everything and followed tha starting directions perfectly and nothing happened.  What could be wrong?  Your help would be much appreciated!  =)  Thank you!

Is the mower a riding mower or a walk behind mower?

Did you dis-connect and charge the battery?  With the battery dis-connected, clean the battery terminal post and cable ends with a wirebrush.  Re-connect the fully charged battery and see if it will start.
