QuestionI have a DYT 4000 craftsman with a 18.5 briggs 31P7770348E1
I was having charging issues and found the stater to be fried.
I ordered a new one it came in fit perfect.made sure I put the flywheel back right and keyway.....
the tractor always ran good even when not charging....the only thing it will do is pop a backfire evey so often like its out of time.....but I don't know how this could be the flywheel only goes one way.
the only thing I did different was was down the block with a water hose when I had the fly wheel off plus flush out the magnets under the flywheel......I sealed off the carb...could my coil be wet.....I pulled the plug and with it laying against the block I see good fire as it turns over.....thought maybe by chance I had water in the bowl so I removed it draining it....the
back fire solenoid seems to be clicking with the key switch.
still seems like its out of time?.......wont even run at all.
please help...
thanks charles
Carb backfiring is due to a worn intake valve spring not pulling the valve closed after it opens I am gonna give you an exploded view of your engine to work with I hope this helps.
The Following is a Basic File I made for Setting the Valve Clearances. Any Input is Appreciated. **I Do Not Use the Setting Called for by the OEMs. I have Found that the Following Works Best. Remove the Valve Cover (on the Dead Cylinder for Twin Cylinder Engines). Set the Cylinder you are Setting the Valves on to Top Dead Center on the Compression Stroke When Setting the Valve Clearance. Now Loosen the Valve Adjuster Locks and Using a Blade Style Feeler Gauge, Set the Intake Valve Clearance to .004in -.006in and the Exhaust to .007in - .009in. I have had Better Performance Out of the Mowers and Less Burnt Valves Using these Settings. Be Sure the Piston is at TDC on the Compression Stroke.** If you Remove the Valve Cover and then Turn the Engine by Hand, you can Watch the Intake Valve Movement. When the Intake Valve Closes, the Piston will Just Starting the Compression/Power Stroke. On Some Engines you can Us a Straightened Coat Hanger and Feel the Piston. Be Careful and Dont Jam the Wire in the Cylinder. Usually the Piston will Push the Wire Out of the Spark Plug Hole with No Problems. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks