QuestionQUESTION: Subject engine on a John Deere LX 172 tractor. Noise level from exhaust very high. Must wear ear protection. Put on new muffler. Made no difference.
Engine runs fine otherwise. Any idea where I might look for problem?
ANSWER: How is the manifold pipe (the pipe going to the muffler) I would also be looking for a blown head gasket. Hope this helps
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The manifold pipe is part of the muffler(new) Have looked for a break in the head gasket. It is sound. Engine runs strong and does not blow smoke or use oil. Any other poosibilities?
AnswerDoes the noise go away when u engage the blades?
I must admit I am stumped... Without seeing a video of this problem its hard to tell. I will bounce it off my coworker today and get back to you... if you dont hear from me in two days...please resubmit your followup question to me. Is there anyway u can upload a video of this problem?
One other thing...u say you have checked the cylinder head gasket? I am talking about the head to cylinder gasket not the muffler gasket..