QuestionI have a Snapper rear engine riding lawn mower with model #301011BE. When I poured gas into the tank this spring to use for the first time, while turned off the gas leaked out. I have checked the tank and fuel line and found no leaks. It is dripping out from under the side exhaust onto the right rear wheel. How do I fix?
AnswerMost likely cause it a leaky inlet needle seat. We replace inlet needle seats on every tune-up. To replace, you need to remove, dis-assemble the carb and replace the seat.
It is possible the float is just stuck. You can try gentely tapping on the side of the carb with a screwdrive handle to try and free the float.
The other option, guarantee to stop the leak, is to turn off the fuel valve.
Let me know the engine model, type and code number and I can look up which carb you have.