Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Honda GC Engine Reliability (Has Plastic Gear & a Belt), engine reliability, cam design
QuestionDo you know anything about the reliability of the Honda GC engines which have at least one plastic gear and a timing belt? It would seem like you couldn't expect them to last approximately 16 years (like a B&S on a lawn mower if you use synthetic oil and maintain the engine properly).
If the belt breaks, is the engine damaged as a result?
AnswerSince this Overhead Cam design came out --Many years ago I have NEVER seen a belt break or need replacement. Its kind of like the Toyota Camrays... they all have belts that we never change until it breaks and by then its 10 plus years and 150k on the vehicle.
This is a CONSUMER grade engine only and should not be used in commercial applications.