Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Honda Snowblower 622 wont start, honda snowblower, drain bolt

my HS 622 won't start.  and now the pull cord does not "catch" to turn the motor.  Whats the next step? I'm nervous about taking off the pull cord cover.


I would check for spark first.  Then check the carburetor.  Most Hondas have a drain bolt on the carburetor bowl to drain the carburetor.

As for the pull cord, there are lots of "how to" sites on the internet and You Tube describing how to repair the starter.  If it is not grabbing the starter pawls may be stuck.  When removing or working on the starter just be careful not to remove the spring as the spring can be challenging to re-install.

The link below shows how to repair a Honda starter:

Let me know if the link helps.
