Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): How to unflood carby, dirty fuel, brushcutter
MCCulloch Proscaper 11
My brushcutter is a MCCulloch Proscaper 11-HD and it won`t start. I have replaced plug, air filter, petrol tank filter, and put in a new kit. How would i know if the carby is flooded and how to unflood it please? Terry
You most likely have dirt, gum, varnish...etc in your carburetor plugging up the small passageways and jets in the carb. It Must be removed from the engine, cleaned very well, blown out with compressed air and reassembled using a NEW carburetor rebuild kit. ALWAYS clean the fuel tank and replace the fuel line when doing this repair or you may have to do it all over again. The inside of the fuel line disintegrates over time and these small pieces of rubber will plug up the carb too. Dirt and water from a dirty fuel tank will also plug up the carb. Find the Model, type and serial or code numbers off of the engine and take them to your local dealer to get the carb kit.