Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Homelight leaf blower bogs down when warm, air fuel mixture, air fuel mixture screw
QuestionI have a homelight leaf blower that I tried using last years gas in and that was a bad idea. Didn't want to run, expectedly. So I replaced the gas with new gas/oil at 50:1 and it starts fine, and runs 95% for a minute or 2, then starts to bog down, and up again, but not to full throttle. The warmer the engine gets, the more it bogs down, until it finally shuts off. I found a pinhole in a fuel line, fixed it, which only helped a tad. And I cleaned the carb and air filter and tried adjusting the air/fuel mixture screw. Not much help there either. There appears to be only one air/fuel screw? And a metal stop where you'd think the 2nd screw would be?
AnswerIt sounds to be one of two things, either you are losing spark and the coil is bad, or the engine has wear and you need a new unit. It really sounds to me like wear, I suggest you remove the muffler and take a look inside with a flashlight, look for scratches. If it doesn't look smooth, has scratches and scuff marks then it is probably not worth fixing.