Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): carburator breather assembly for a briggs and stratton motor, briggs and stratton, throttle shaft
linkage and spring in
I have a Briggs and Stratton motor model 287707 type 1224-e1 code 9710102D. My kids turned my mower over on its side and oil got into the cylinder and all the way up thru the carburetor and air breather. Yes I wanted to beat them, but they didn't know better then, they do now. I took the carb/breather assembly off and took to a friend to clean the oil out of the fuel bowl and needle valve. I didn't take a picture of the assembly before I gave it to him, and there is a small "linkage" and small spring that goes over it, that I don't know where it goes on the assembly. It hooks somewhere into an assembly at the top of the carb assembly, It is a plain linkage with hook notches in both ends. The one that is bent into a long loop is still hooked into a lever above the carb, but I don't know where the longer straight one with the spring around it goes. I know it is kinda vague, but I am trying to describe it the best that I can. I have attached photos of the linkage, spring, and the carb/breather assembly.
Hello Ken:
>>Sorry for the Delay. This Question was Located in the Question Pool and I can Only Answer Questions from the Question Pool when I am Not Answering Questions here or at the Other Site I Answer Questions at.
>>The Linkage in Question is Attached to the Governor Control Arm.
**The Throttle Cable Attaches to the Throttle Control Bracket. The Cable Moves a Slide that Moves a Pivot. The Pivot has the Spring Attached to it and the Other End of this Spring Attaches to the Governor Arm. The Solid Link (some have a Spring around the linkage that attaches to the same hole that the Linkage is attached to)Connects to the Governor Arm and goes to the Throttle Shaft on the Carburetor. When the Throttle Cable is Moved it Moves the Pivot and the Pivot Pulls the Spring. The Spring Pulls the Governor Arm and the Governor Arm Moves the Throttle Shaft. Usually the Spring is in the Lower Hole in the Governor Arm and the Solid Link is in the Top Hole of the Governor Arm.**
>>If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I Hope to be Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.
Good Luck
PS: I am Allowed to Answer 3 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.
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