Question I have a Craftsman push mower and the shaft seems to be bent, (the mower shakes a lot) How do I replace the shaft on a 123K02 motor? Do I need to buy gaskets and seals also?
AnswerYou would need a lower sump gasket plus lower and upper oil seals. You will have to completely dis-assemble the engine, remove the oil sump to access the internal engine parts.
Do you live near a city with a good library? Often times larger libraries have books on repairing small engines. Evan a generic book will help give you an idea on how to change a shaft.
Crankshafts cost around $50-$90 dollars. Seals and a gasket will cost about $20. Is the mowers original purchase price worth spending $60-$100 for a new shaft?
Do you have an inch pound torque wrench to torque the connecting rod bolts?
Let me know what you decide to do. If you decide to replace the shaft should should not have to remove the head but there are a few tips to help Pay attention the valve tappets; do not mix up the intake and exhaust valve tappets. Also, pay attention to the crankshaft and camshaft timing marks BEFORE removing the crankshaft.
Let me know if this helps.