Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): brakes for john deere stx38, dowel pins, pin holes
Questionmy mower is old, I have no brakes.
I would like to know how to repair them, also what parts I need.
AnswerLooking at the parts list you have a Peerles transaxle. Google "Peerless Motion Drive" and you should be able to find the manual.
Below is the link I found.
A tip for repairing the brakes is to remove the brake puck holder and clean the 2 small dowel pins and the pin holes so the pins can move freely. I use a wirebrush to clean the pins and a drill bit with steelwool on the drill bit tip to clean the pin holes. With the pins and holes clean you can re-assemble and adjust the brakes. I usually start by setting the parking brake and then tightening the adjusting nut until the mower will not roll. Release the brake and test, adjust as necessary.
Let me know if this helps.