QuestionQUESTION: I have a John Deere 826 Snowblower Tecumseh Engine. Why won't it start?
When I remove the sparkplug and lay it on the engine connected, it will spark. I also primed the engine with gas through the spark plug hole. It has electric start but will not fire at all.
My understanding was that as long as you have spark and gas, then it must start. Please help me. Thanks.
ANSWER: Yes fuel and gas are essential to running a unit, but you also need oxygen, compression and timing. You could have a stuck valve or other problems. If this unit has been sitting I would suggest removing the carburetor and getting it cleaned out. When the engine turns over with the electric start, does it spin easily, or can you tell there is compression? If there seems to be no compression this could be a valve or other problem. Hopefully this may help you.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the reply. The engine does have lots of compression and it does not spin easily. I already removed and cleaned the carburetor. It fills up with gas ansd the float works properly. Regardless of the carburetor, shouldn't it fire once I pour a small amount of gas into the cylinder through the spark plug hole? That is what puzzles me.
AnswerI have never tried pouring gas in the spark plug hole to get a mower to start, but I would think it should at least sputter. The one thing you haven't confirmed is timing, is the flywheel key sheared, if so the spark may not be happening at the correct time which could cause the engine to not do anything.