Questionhave this chainsaw, got from a friend, crank but no start. i took carb off and cleaned, cleaned plug,still looks good, pull choke, turned on ign switch, pull a bunch of times will never fire, take out plug, it is soaked with fuel, dried and installed many times with same issue. even tried a good working plug, put spark tester has good spark, spark plug gap set on factory spec.
AnswerFirst of all, if it's flooding you don't want the choke on when trying to start it, all the choke does is cut off the air and make the engine draw more fuel. Leave the choke open, if you can(this can be dangerous, so BE CAREFUL) hold the trigger to full throttle and try to pull start it. This is the only way I know to start a saw that is flooded. If it still floods uncontrollably, you may need to check the adjustment on the needle valve control. If it is too close to the diaphragm it can flood, too far away and no fuel gets through. It should be just a tiny bit above flush with the carburetor body. I hope this helps you out.