tecumseh carb
I have a Craftmens Eager 1 push lawn mower that I had passed on to me as a gift. It ran fine for several years. On occasions I've have to clean the carb jet to get it in top running shape. This year is different. I've cleaned everything, even removing the carb and it still putt, putts when running. I can use the machine but the putt putting isn't right. I'm wondering what is it that I'm missing? I've changed the spark plug, air filter, new gas and used carb cleaner on the carburetor. I'm sorry that I can't supply the model number but I have attached a picture of the machine and the tecumseh carb.
ANSWER: Did you blow compressed air from an air compressor through all the carburetor orfices? Is the float bad? I'm guessing the float is not bad as leaky floats usually cause the carb to flood.
Those engine are pretty reliable...most poor running problems are caused by a dirty carb.
Try cleaning the carb again and see if performance is better. Is the hole in the float bowl nut clean? This is your main fuel jet.
Let me know.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks for the reply. Today I gave the carb a super cleaning inside and out with carb cleaner and compressed air. I'm still getting the putt putting. Anyway, I started playing around with that idle thing/throttle on the carb and once I stabilized it the putt putting went away. The damn thing ran like it was new just by me putting a bit of pressure on it and idling it down a bit. Could it be that the spring has worn out and it's moving around too much? What do you think? If it's worth a try do you happen to know what is the name of the part that I should ask for?
Thanks again..Tim
ANSWER: It could be a wore governor spring but I rarely find defective springs.
The link below is the repair manual for your engine:
Read the section on governors.
If you look on the engine there will be an engine model number with a format xxx.xxxxxx. Send me the model number and I can look up the spring part number. Governor springs are cheap and I have replaced a few to cure the RPM surging.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
I want to thank you again for all of your help. I love fooling around with stuff and the joy is even better when I can fix what I'm working on. With that said: The model number of the mower is: C-459-3622 and the engine number is: (#143 424492 ser 20777). Does it make any sense to you that the motor would settle down after putting alittle pressure on the throttle lever? I idled it down just a bit by turning it and the mower didn't miss a beat. Everybody that I speak with lean towards a dirty carburetor. But as I have said, it was cleaned really well with carb cleaner and compressed air. Anyway, if you can get me the part number for the spring that would be helpful. Even if it doesn't work I think it's worth a try.
Thanks again,
PS. As a side note: My neighbor just passed his mower on to me (Briggs and Stratten) becuase of idling problems. I'm certain his is just a dirty carb.
AnswerThe governor spring part number is Tecumseh 31361. Does the engine sound like it is running too fast? Too much engine speed can cause the engine to surge but generally this not a common problem.
Springs are cheap so it may be worth a shot. FYI, 90% of all mower problems today are caused by dirty carbs. The strict emmissions have forced engine manufacturers to tighted tolerances on the carbs...a small change from water/dirt/grass inside the carb will cause very poor engine performance.