Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): small engine parts and repair instructions, craftsman weedwacker, voc ed
Question"Where can I find the "step-by-step repair procedure, fully detailed exploded view of this engine AND the fuel sys components & keyed parts lists for Craftsman weedwacker/trimmer 26.2cc gas engine model # 358.795580? " The fuel lines have disintegrated out side and inside the fuel tank. The diagrams I have found on the Craftsman – Sears - website are not clear enough to work from, and the parts are indistinguishable the way they appear. I also need to get the complete fuel tank assembly – including all of its internal parts (primer sub-assembly, accumulator lines and filter) as well as all the fuel lines to the accumulator assembly on the engine. I’ve checked with Sears Parts, and it is currently UN-AVAILABLE through Sears… I’ve taught voc ed for many years, but small engines are not my expertise… This is the only number I can find on the weedwacker...Thank you….
I am afraid I do not have good news for you. There is not a step by step instruction manual for this product. I did view the diagram on the sears site and it has lots to be desired. I believe this is private labeled from weedeater by the looks of it.
If the part is unavailable from Sears its a very OLD unit. I suggest you go to some of your local small engine shops and talk to the owners and ask where there junk pile is. Youll have to do some diggin, but you should be able to find some in the small engine junkyard.
Good Luck....