QuestionI have a mower with a Briggs & Stratton 10.5 hp I/C engine Model 28B702, Type 1001-E1, Code 990203ZD and Walbro LMT carb. It leaks gas internally between cuts as the tank level drops with an equal rise in the oil level. It's flooded on start up but then runs OK. I replaced the needle valve with no change and the plastic float and brass seat don't show any problems. Any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated. Thank you.
AnswerHello Dave:
>>Honestly, the Best Solution Anymore for this Problem is to Install a 1/4 Turn Cut Off Valve and Turn the Gas Flow Off when you Turn Off the Engine.
>>I have had Many Complaints about the Carburetor Needle Valve Leaking and Flooding the Crankcase Oil of All Types and OEM's Equipment.
>>Please Remember that I have Been Repairing Equipment for Quite a Few Years and I have Seen for Myself the Change of Quality in the Equip and in the Replacement Parts.
>>The Change has Not been for the Better.
>>I have 1 of these Mowers in My Yard and have Tried Numerous FIXES on the Carburetor (even Purchased a New Carburetor. It Didn't Leak for 7 Months. LOL) and have Yet to Find a Permanent Solution other than the Shut Off Valve.
>>I Tell my Questioners that have this Problem to Rebuild the Carburetor and if they Reply they are Still Having This Problem, I Tell them to Install a Cut Off Valve.
>>Is the Needle Valve a Rubber Tipped Needle Valve?
>>If Yes, then
>>Remove the Needle Valve and Flex the Tip of the Needle Valve to Soften the Rubber.
>>If this Fails to Stop the Leaking Needle Valve, then
>>The Quickest, Easiest, Cheapest and SURE Way to Correct this Problem is the Cut Off Valve.
>>Also, Laminate a Label that Says "Turn Of Gas to Carburetor when Engine is Off" and Attach it to the Engine Blower Housing so the Operator will See it when they Check the Oil before Using the Unit.
>>If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I Hope to be Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.
Good Luck
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