Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): one ?, pulley, local shop

can you please tell me how to remove the doubled pulley on a lawn mower engine a seven teen horse power one please send me a answer soon tanks mason


you will need to  remove centre bolt securing pulley to pto

then refit centre bolt back in  about 1/2 way  and get a hold of a large 2 leg puller kit
and fit legs to larger diameter pulley and tighten down the centre screw of the puller so that it tightens down tightly against the centre bolt you put in previously and then tighten the pulley until the pulley budges   if it dosent  , you could try applying some heat to the pulley where to pto shaft is with a  butane burner ( make sure no fuel around dont want a fire )  and then apply more pressure with the puller , then try giving the pulley assy a hit with a long drift / punch and a hammer  it should come off ,  but if it doesnt might have to let your local shop remove it with a more serious puller & oxyacetylene gas

cheers  paul