Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Murray Ultra, linkage problem, shift linkage
QuestionHello! I have a tranny problem on my murray ultra riding lawn mower.The model#30575X8A the only gears I have are 1st neutral and reverse,the lever will not move into 2-5.I adjusted the clutch so that when you let the pedal up it engages at the top of the stroke,this mower has a spicer tranny in it but I have no #s on it!would greatly appreciate any input you may have!Sorry! I dont have anymore info for you. Thanks!
check to make sure your brakes aren't stuck & if not make sure the belts are not shredded or really loose it could also be in the rear end it's self
Most of the time when this happens the reverse shift linkage is too short. It is usually cause by either a bent linkage or worn linkage bushings.
The internal shifting fork can be bent inside the transmission which is rare but does occasionally happen... most of the time it is a linkage problem. Also check on the side of the transmission to make sure the shifting lever has not moved from the original position on the Yoke shaft.
You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Transaxle at this Site Addy, and Scroll Down to the View Dana/Foote Parts Diagrams Section. Then Scroll Down in this Section and Select your Model Transaxle (4450-1 according to the Sears Breakdown). After Viewing the Diagram for this Transaxle, I see there is No Oil Fill Plug. If the Transaxle Requires More Oil, then Remove the Shifter from the Transaxle Housing and Add the Oil Through there. Add 1 Pint (80W90 Gear Oil) at a Time and Run the Transaxle. This is a Simple Transaxle and Easy to Repair if Required. Hope this Helps