Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): No spark, john deere f525, interloc

I have a john deere F525 engine number PA540A 17 hp i think. i have no spark and am wondering if a cracked magnet on the flywheel can cause this have replaced the coil and the igniter and the sparkplug and still no luck so your answer would be much appreciated

hi  tyrel

are you able to pull the kill wire  of the igntion armature and retest for spark
if unit sparks in this condition then you have a faulty interloc / switch problem

with could be @ clutch /brake switch  or blade engage switch or, also check seat switch  or bypass it with a jump wire  check  nuetral switch if has one
by removing wire from coil you isolate  aramature from  interloc grounding system

then proceed to find which switch is fauly or groundind when its not spposed to be grounding


let me know what you find  
