Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Scag STT61A-27KA runs for about 15 minutes then stops, hose clamps, sand particles

For about three years now this mower would run for about 30 minutes or so then it would act like it was running out of gas.  Once it sat for about an hour or so it would run for another 30 minutes.  Last Spring it started and mowed fine for about one month then it started acting like it was out of gas.  I got tired of this so I did some research and came across a posting that suggested the oil sensors may be going bad (?)  I knew I needed to change the oil anyway so I changed the oil and filters and to my surprise it ran great for the next 30 days or so then it started acting up again.  I put up with it for the rest of the Fall with the idea of taking it to a repair shop.  Unfortunately I took a major pay cut so I need to try and fix it myself.  This Spring I started it up and it ran for about 15 minutes before it acted like it was running out of gas.  By the way, if I put the choke on full then it will stay runnig while I drive it to the garage...

Hello Ken:

>>You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Engine at this Site Addy,  and Fill Out the OEM Parts by Model Fit Section.
>>There are Several Possible causes for this type of Problem.
>>The Following is a Basic Instruction File I made for this. Any Input is Appreciated. I Usually Suggest you Check the Following in this Order for a Problem like yours.
>>1- Check the Gas Tank Cap and Ensure it is Venting the Tank. A Vacuum Builds in the Tank and the Gas Flow Stops or Slows (15 to 45 Minutes and if the Small Granular Sand is in the Tank it can Take Several Days of Constant Running to Bring All the Sand Particles to the Tank Outlet Port) to a Point it Shuts Off the Engine.
>>2- Operate the Equipment Until it Quits (15min to 1hr). Then Immediately Check for Fire from the Plug. If the Plug is Firing, then
>>3- Replace All the Spring Style Hose Clamps with Screw Style Hose Clamps on the Fuel System.
>>4- Check the Carburetor Solenoid. If the Carburetor Shut Off Solenoid has Current, then Remove the Carburetor Solenoid and Go to the Hardware Store. Purchase a Bolt of the Same Diameter and Threads. It Needs to be 3/4" Long. Put this Bolt in Place of the Solenoid. If this Corrects the Engine Problem, then Replace the Solenoid. ***NOTE: THIS IS FOR CHECKING THE SOLENOID ONLY I NEVER SUGGEST YOU OPERATE THE ENGINE WITH THE SOLENOID OUT OF THE CARBURETOR EXCEPT FOR TESTING PURPOSES*** Sometimes the Plunger is Moving, Just Not Far Enough to Allow the Gas to Enter the Jets.
>>5- Depending on the Model Mower, it can Also be the Pickup Tube in the Gas Tank.
>>If No Fire, then Remove the Shut Off Wire from the Coil and Check for Fire.
>>If Still No Fire, then the Ign Module or Coil is Bad. **Even if the Coil is New or Fairly New, it can Still be Bad.** On JD Mowers; Remove the Igniter/Module and the Coil and have the Local JD Dealer Test them.
>>If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I Hope to be Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



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