Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): honda starting problem, carbureter, honda model

QUESTION: I have a honda model 1011hs riding mower that hasn't been used for two years. the compression is good  it turns over good and fires but won't keep running I sprayed starting fluid in the carbureter and it pops back through the carburetor apreciate any help that I can get



The carburetor needs to be cleaned and rebuilt. sounds like low idle ports are clogged up.
Take the carburetor and clean it with a carburetor cleaner.Make sure you clean the ports out the holes that pass fuel should be clean.

Check for water in the fuel tank, hoses and fuel bowl on the carb. If water is found, be sure to check your fuel can as well!
Check for a major air leak from around the intake or carb mounting area. If the carb is equipped with a built in primer bulb, check it closely for any major air leakage.
If this problem occurs only during cold starts, you may also have a situation where the choke or primer is not working properly.
Finally, don't forget to check the fuel cap to make sure it's venting properly. A cap that doesn't vent properly, will not allow fuel to flow from the tank to the carb.
Tips for successful troubleshooting:
   Keep it simple! Always check the easier things first, working towards the more complex!
   Never assume that a system or component is working properly. Verify it!
   Check only one area at a time and don't move on to something else until you've eliminated the system or component as the cause for your problem.
   If you become frustrated, take a breather and walk away from the problem for a while. Don't allow your emotion to control your logic.
   When in doubt, always refer to the proper repair instruction manuals for information and guidance.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I discovered that the wiring harness attached to the ignition switch was disconnected and I don't know where it goes please  help me  Iknow that it is a safety switch
Thanks for your help


Are you saying the the complete wiring harness is disconnected? You Should have safety switches under the seat,One for the PTO blade engagement,one for the brake engagement,and one for the neutral switch. You will find them in various places on the mower,you can temporally by-pass them one at a time to see what one is in default,if that doesn't work do all of them and then eliminate them one by one.