Questionsoaked carb in cleaner can not get it to idle
Answerhi leroy
has this carb been siting a long period of time and gone green ?
does it have any bluish/ green particulates in it and carb metal looks pitted ?
if this carb does have bluish or green particulates in it and looks pitted
suggest second hand carb. because carb metal( antimony) is being attacked and breaking down
pulling these particulates out of metal body
have you blown out all air bleeds and nozzles , check idle and progression port outlets
checked bowl vent, and main jet for obstruction all must be clear and no restriction
is flow from tank to carb good, does the fuel valve / float shut off the fuel flow?
is the idle screw turned in far enough to hold it at an idle ?
is spark and compression good ?
recheck carb
cheers hope it helps