Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Gravely Rotary Plow oil seal, rotary plow, oil leaks

I have an older style Gravely Rotary plow, the kind that holds 140w gear oil in the gear housing.

It was bone dry when I got it.  I pulled the top and bottom bearing caps off and purchased new oil seals (2# in diameter).

When I knocked out the old oil seals, I noticed that they were different than the new ones.  The old oil seals were essentially twice as thick as the new ones  ...I'd have to put two new ones on top of one another to equal the thickness of the old ones.

I can't seem to find replacement seals that look exactly like the old.  Have you ever dealt with this before?  I wonder if I should just go ahead an use the new seals?

Hello Jim:

>>I Usually Double Up on the Seals and Not Worry about Locating those Seals anymore. The Seals are No Longer Available. The Double Seal Works Great as far as I can Tell so Far. I have a Friend that has been Using one with the Double Seal Replacement for Approximately 8 Years and so Far No Leaks.
>>I have Also Repaired these Units using 1 Seal Only and have had No Problems with Oil Leaks.
>>Using 1 Seal, Insert it Until it is Flush with the Housing.
>>Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



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