QuestionCan u explain the difference in piston scoring I.E. what causes intake side scoring and what causes exhaust side scoring
Answerhi jess
piston scoring can be caused by a number of things
scoring on intake side of piston and is usually not as bad as ex side
stale fuel can cause scoring on intake side , so can dirt entering in front of air filter
and also lean mixture from carb setting -c/case air leaks ( from leaking gaskets / manifolds ) & air bubbles in the fuel system ( these lean out mix and make it run hot as well as not enough oil in petrol machine is running on hi loading of the saw and overrevving of the engine could also cause it
scoring on ex side of piston is usually caused by lean mixture , air leaks - not enough oil in mixture engine is running on or entry of dirt in front of air cleaner and overrevving of the engine
shows up as deep scores on piston / rings / bore that will definately be caught by a fingernail and would be very hard not to miss when muffler was removed
compression and power are directly affected and units typically have low power , hard to start, wont idle , stall out if they do sort of idle it goes up then down - inconsistant
most times if unit has bad / deep scoring all the way around piston incorrect oil mixing has caused fault and unit would most times not be worth repairing
if so better to buy new as repair can be more than a new saw
cheers paul