Questioncant keep my hedge trimmers running unless i close choke about half way then they only run for a little bit then ccut off. have to choke them to get started again wont run with choke in normal position
Answerhi mike
sounds like the carby needs rekiting with repair kit and fuel lines and f/filter need replacing
1 ex is not blocked, no exhaust out no fuel in
2 compression is good , no damage to piston / rings / cylinder
3 spark is good loaded and un loaded- physically check
4, c/case has not leaks ie @ barrell mount bolt, c/case seals , manifold block or boot
needs c/case vacuum / presure to operate carb and pump mixture to cylinder
5 flywheel timming key is not sheared / broken
if all these are ok
carb repair kit and fuel lines and filter may be all that is required
cheers paul