Questionprimer leaks out gas heavy if gas tank in proper postion found solution tried no change think i need to replace whole carb
cut and paste solution from someone elses ? very same problem :
ANSWER: Gas is leaking out there, because the carb is flooding. You need to remove the bolt on the bottom of the carb and drop the bowl down.
Inside there is a plastic float on a hinge, that is what lets in the fuel, and is supposed to shut it off when there is enough. Either the float is stuck, or the needle valve is bad, or has a bit of dirt blocking it open, or the float may be cracked and not floating.
When the other things are resolved, if the gasket between the air cleaner and carb is not in great shape, the primer will not prime.
Let me know what you find.
did this no change
: QUESTION: Thanks for the note. a small rubber insert was a nor set properly. I reset it and the leak is stopped.
wheres this rubber gasket float moves cleaned bolt and small holes in bolt
air cleaner is a round air filter no gasket just clips on
unrelated there is a flat plastic piece changes into a tube near the back of the carb touching the engine that runs back into the engine block whats this
AnswerThe valve breather tube goes to the engine block.
Inside there is a plastic float on a hinge, that is what lets in the fuel, and is supposed to shut it off when there is enough.
My response: Some Tecumseh carbs have a plastic carb with a plastic float. Most Tecumseh carbs are metal and have a brass float.
When the other things are resolved, if the gasket between the air cleaner and carb is not in great shape, the primer will not prime.
My response: Typically a Briggs problem or a Tecumseh all plastic carb issue.
From what you described, I believe you have a metal style carb.
What is the engine model and spec number?