Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): husqvarna blower, mixture settings, thankyou linda

hello paul! i have a husqvarna blower that has lost alot of its power when using. there are no "h"/"l" screws to adjust? if this is factory set, how can i adjust? it starts every time, stays running, but not at the potential it used to. any suggestions you can give me to do?  thankyou, linda eutsey

hi linda
if unit has been in use a long period of time -  and you have been running something like 25:1  fuel/ oil mix,   muffler could be  blocked / restricted with carbon , try removing muffler and decarbonizing if it has carbon , check ex port as well   , these things directly affect power output.   While you are at it make sure to look up the ex port at piston and bore / rings for any signs of scoring, marks, signs of overheating blueing.

If no carbon present in port and muffler and unit has no air leaks @ crankcases etc
and unit has good compression (check compression as well) and spark and at the right time  
might be worth fitting a carb rebuild kit ( this has required gaskets/ needles, diaphrams, screens etc in it )this too can restore lost power.   Might be worth removing limit caps to adjust hi /lo mixture settings   these are usually set to base settings of  low speed   1. 25 turns out from lightly seated &     hi speed 1.25 turns out from lightly seated. car rebuild can be a fiddly job - if not sure better to get your local small engine shop to  do it for you  ?   check fuel filter is clean  or new

hope this helps   remember  F A C T S

Fuel  , Air , Compression  , Timming,   Spark     ALL 5 NEEDED for engine TO RUN
and in case of two stroke  air tight crankcase  to allow vacuum to be created from upward movement of piston