Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Engine bogs down and cuts off!, blue flames, hi tension
QuestionI have an older snowblower that starts fine blades turn but when I start to blow the snow the engine bogs down and blue flames shoot out of exhaust usually shutting down the blower! I have took bowl off and sprayed carb cleaner into holes but it just doesn't seem to work! This has just started in past week! We had a big snow right before christmas and it worked fine! I love this snowblower and really need it to work right now! Please help
Answerhi derek from what you tell me compresion may be ok for no load running but may not be for loaded running
with flames out the exhaust may be worth while checking out timming , ( flywheel key bent ) could also be spark gronding somewhere intermittantly too - and possibly tight ex valve clearances or burnt exhaust valve face / seats as too the bogging down sounds like a fuel flow problem as well - have a look @ fuel flow from tank to carb and strip and check carb for blockage in the progession ports and air bleeds , check main jet could be restricted, check spark breaking down under load - ? have shop test it for you
you could make a tester
find 20 mm thick piece of wood and 50 mm square
drill 20 mm hole in middle - mark middle & centre of 2 opposite ends and drill hole to fit an sharpened nail - fit 1 nail in each side and push in until you get a gap between the sharp nail ends of no less than 6.00 mm conect this between the hi tension lead and the spark plug and run engine if spark is not jumping this gap and has a problem you will see it happening in the tester this helps identify visually spark problems
hope this gives some ideas cheers paul