QuestionI have a 25hp GTH2548 Kohler engine huqsvarna and I purchased a snow blade to install . I dont have the book to refer to it was missed placed. to remove the cutting deck , can u guide me in the removal please, we are due for a huge snow storm this weekend.01/03/10 in maryland.thank you
Answerhi Eric
from memory the cutting deck should have 2 front drag link arms @ front of deck
pull the 2 x R hair pins from the posts, disengage pto the deck tension with lever on the l/h side of deck with locs into a loc bracket @ l/h front. remove the pto to deck belt from the electric clutch pulley and the belt guide , under the r/h side of foot board you will see a bracket arm comming down to couple up with another pin, pull these R pins here and also on the other side , also need to pull the other r pin on the l/h that links from chassis to deck
in all there should be 5 or 6 R pins removed - when this is done - pull the raise the deck lift lever and pull deck out from r/h side - note it might help to have someone help you with the deck is quite heavy.
try this web site
hope this helps cheers paul