QuestionQUESTION: I have a small Briggs and Stratton engine on a gokart im not sure about the model # but its in the model series of 136200-136299. It runs ok but I have to leave it at half choke or else it wont stay running. I had to "rebuild" this engine so it is very likely that I did something wrong. I also can not get it to run very fast. Any suggestions on how I can fix it my self?
If you need more info please ask. Thanks
ANSWER: please send me more info
136200-136299 is not enough to narrow down application and running gear
i will take punt that its a horizontal shaft 13 cubic inch , pulsajet carb with air vane governor ? - plain du brg or / aux drive with rewind starter ?????
need type number if you can find it it should stamped on cover somewhere
upon teardown of this engine what done ? valves, camshaft, timming, ????
let me know
cheers nick
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Engine from above
QUESTION: The model # is 136212 type # 0006 01 Code # 95072707. it is a horizontal shaft, I think it is a pulsajet carb with air vane but I'm not sure and it is a pull start but I'm not sure about the rest sorry.
I attached an image taken from above the engine with out the air filter. I thought it may help.
Answereverthing being = and you have good compression and good spark at the right time
the only other things you need are air and fuel , sounds like you have a fuel problem you may need to pull carb/ tank assy off engine and clean out tank, and carb , check for blocked pickup tubes from tank to seconday cup and check all other openings and jets for blockage / obstruction, also replace the diaphram on the side of the carb under the plate of which is beside the muffler
think the number is 272538 and tank to carb gasket 273113s 2 of used and manifold gasket 271936
make note of any settings before you remove jets and link and spring positions
for the governor
on the carb body under the diaphram you should see 2 metal ring and small spring
do not lose these when reassembling place the spring in the body hole then the little metal cap on top of the spring then place the diaphram over the top of that and fit the cover plate with 5 screws
be-sure the tank and carb passages are clean along with pick up tubes , check with crc or somthing like and spray it into them and blow compressed air into them
reasemble carb/ tank and refit all going well it should go
give it a go hope this helps cheers paul