Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Robin EC10 engine governer/carb problem, fuel system, air compressor
Robin EC10 Car
Hi there
I have a lawnmower with a Robin EC10 engine. It has a carb made by Mikuni Kogyo. I cleaned the carb a week ago, and it ran well for about 20 minutes before the governor started hunting. It would open and close automatically, revving the engine. I cleaned the carb again, and the same thing happened. I have not touched the governer at all, but maybe i need to set it again. I am sending you 2 images of my carb. I have taken the bowl and float off. Could you maybe help.
AnswerHave you flushed the entire fuel system? Where is the carb bowl? Did you take dis-assemble the carb and blow compressed air from an air compressor through all the carb orfices?
Most hunting/surging problems are caused by a dirty carb. Since it ran fine after cleaning I'd clean again,using compressed air, and drain/flush the entire fuel system.