Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): McCulloch Power Mac 310, shop repair manuals, ebay
QuestionI am looking for an owners manual for the power mac 310
Model # 600042H
It doesn't matter if it is a hard copy or scanned and and sent via e-mail. I got this saw from a buddy for free and it looks to be in very good shape so I wanna give it a try but want to pull apart and clean it up a bit first. Also the Throttle hold open knob doesn't seam to work. I got it most of the way tore down but am having trouble with the carb area where this cable runs into. I down loaded a part list and diagram from the McCulloch web site but it is kinda vague and covers 3 different models so of course the diagrams don't quite match what I'm seeing. Any info would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.
or manual website
I used to have one but tossed it out in the early 90's. Are you refering to the choke or throttle lock as the "throttle hold open knob"?