Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 14 hp vertical briggs, crankcase oil, needle valve
QuestionHi Robert, This unit apparently sucks gas in and spits it back up into the air filter. checked the float function, ok. Could this be a valve problem allowing the compression to flow back through the intake stream, perhaps jacking with the float shutoff function?? thanks for your help. tom
AnswerHi Tom
First thing to check is your crankcase oil level. A common problem is that the needle valve in the carb is defective allowing fuel to continue the flow and draining into the crankcase and overfilling it causing a blow-back into the carb. If the engine is backfiring back through the carb, then you have a valve problem. If you will send me the code number off the engine, I can give you the proper specs for the valves. Hope this helps.