Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh governor linkage, wheel cart, ebay
QuestionI just bought a Power-Kart three wheel cart with a tecumseh horizontal engine. The previous owner bought it used and thought it is either 5 or 8 hp. No tag on the pull start cover, it has electric start and looks to me to be larger than 5hp. It runs but had homemade linkage from the linkage from the throttle to L shaped bracket that connects to the governor on the other side. Where can I find numbers on the engine to identify or where can I find linkage wire? Local shops want me to bring in and charge to fix it. I want to fix for experience.
AnswerLook on the flywheel for any info on the motor.As far as trying to figure it out you can research motors like it on say,eBay and you should be able to find similar ones and get a basic idea of what your dealing with.It can become extensive homework but with the internet it is a lot easier to figure things out.Best of luck,