QuestionI've been searching this site and want your opinion on how to store small four strokes... I have Hondas, a Kawasaki Mule(not running# and a chain saw#2 cycle). Thanks...Mike
AnswerWe recommend using a product like SeaFoam in the gas and run the engine for a little while. Then drain the fuel from the tank and start the engine to run the remaining gas from the carburetor. Afterwards, drain the oil and change the oil filter, or on screen filters, clean them, and once the engine has fully cooled, add new oil to the full mark. Doing it in this order will reduce the amount of water inside the block from condensation. We install new spark plugs so the engine will be ready to go after storage. If it's going to be a long storage or in a place that's particularly dusty, we would recommend using paper bags, not plastic, over the air filter if it's an exposed filter and the muffler. One of the biggest problems we see is with mice chewing on wiring and getting into air filter boxes and making nests. The only thing I know to prevent this is maybe a good cat.
On an engine that's not running, drain the oil and let it drain for a couple of hours then refill.
For 2-stroke equipment, we do the same as above without the obvious oil change.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, PK.