Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman garden tractor - wont run wo choke closed, ohc engine, garden tractor
QuestionI have a 50" craftsman garden tractor with a 22hp kohler dual OHC engine. It has been running like a top for years and all summer (a few backfires though). Now it will not stay running without the choke completely closed. When I open the choke to allow air thru the carburetor, it shuts off. Can u help me?
Answeryes,the carburetor is clogged.There are different jets inside one is choke and one is not,sounds like the only on not plugged is your choke jet! You can try putting some carburetor fuel injection cleaner in the gas and let it run for awhile and see if this fixes the problem but more than likely you will have to tear into the carburetor and take all jets out and clean?