Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): JD/Champion, honda design, gensets

QUESTION: Is JD and Champion one and the same? It has been stated that Champion is American owned. Are the CPE engines dependable?

ANSWER: Floyd,

I take it your asking me is John Deere and Champion the same company correct?  If your asking me that question is NO

CPE or Champion Power Equipment is located in California.

The CPE engines are VERY dependable.

Here is more info on them

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I see so many generators with the (JD) Jiang Dong engines. I once owned a 3000w genset with the  JD engine. Seems it was a GX200 engine with lots of parts available. I also own a Champion 3000w unit that operates just fine. I guess my question is: Are most of the GX200 engines out of the same factory and most parts interchangeable?  Yes, I have found the Champion VARY dependable.

Just one more question. Are the engines on most new Chinese Inverter gensets from a past Honda design?

Thanks for such a great service.


Okay, now we are on the same page here...I will answer your questions again.

"Are most of the GX200 engines out of the same factory and most parts interchangeable?"

No they are not out of the same factory,and YES the parts are interchangeable.

"Are the engines on most new Chinese Inverter gensets from a past Honda design?"  Yes!

Are Champion and JD one in the same? To the best of my knowledge NO. CPE use to use several different engines on their products but have made an agreement with one engine assembler exclusively right now.

SIDENOTE:  There are so many people that are buying the components to build engines in China it seems a new "engine factory" pops up every day

There is some very strict guidelines coming down the road from the EPA that will separate the "men" companies from the "boy" companies importing engines into the usa.