QuestionQUESTION: I have a 3.0 Briggs&Stratton mower. When I pull it to start it it kicks back hard. Pulled the flywheel to check the key, it's good. Has good spark. Also took carb apart and cleand it. Still kicks back bad.
ANSWER: David:
Is your blade attached while your trying to start this engine? The blade has to be attached since lawn mower engines have a lightweight flywheel. The blade acts as a counterweight. What happened before the mower became hard to start and kick back? Did it happen all of a sudden? Did you hit something, then it started to happen?
Is this an overhead valve engine or an L head engine?
IF you do have the blade attached and everything is intact check the following:
Armature air gap
Valve Clearances
Kill wire....temporarily disconnect and see if it still kicks back, its a long shot, but it could be shorting out against the engine.
Let me know
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: You hit the nail right on the head! The blade was off it. I didn't know that it would cause it to kick back.Friends pick up mowers and ask me if I want them. Enjoy tinkering with them and the challenge I guess. I thank you very much for the help. Have one more question for you. What is the correct gap between the flywheel and coil. Guess you call it the Armature gap. I have always set them around .010 but never looked it up just went by other "shade tree mechanics" like me! Again, THANK YOU for your advice......David D
AnswerWell there is a technical answer and the I have been doing this for many years answer...I will give you the latter... Its not professional, but it works... Ready for the secret... USE A BUSINESS CARD! hehehehe
Now the technical answer .005 to .015in is sufficient