QuestionI have a 1999 MTD Yard Machine riding mower, model number 13AU694H062, with a broken drive belt (not the deck belt). I took the old belt off but can't get the new on because there are engine pulley belt guards in the way. The manual says to 'remove the center bolt, lock washer and flat washer, and let the engine pulley drop down so the belt is past the belt guards.' Well, I removed the bolt, and washers but I can't get the engine pulley to drop. Is there something else I need to do to get the engine pulley to drop?
AnswerMost MTD pulleys will rust to the crankshaft. You have three options. Unbolt the engine so you can slide it around, try to get the pulley off with something like PB Blaster or Kroil or by heating it up, or do what most do and bend the tabs.
MTD's are very bad about this. We charge an extra hour of labor on MTD motion belts just because they are so bad about getting rusted on. The AYP pulley and most other brands just fall right off.
If you do remove the pulley, coat the crankshaft with anti-seize so this won't happen again. Thanks, PK.