Questionhi i have Briggs and Stratton Murray 22" push mower 3.75 hp sprint. model # 220011x92a serial# 7533128331z305
my question is after cranking the engine it runs for 3-5 seconds then cuts off. being new to this i think its the gas line possibly clogged. this mower has metal gas line with rubber tip connecting to pump the metal tips seems to twist at the base . i believe air is entering the pump there. how would i or can that tube be changed or fixed.
This can be a bunch of problems here are some helpful ideas.
Problem: Engine starts easily but dies after a few seconds.
Possible causes:
1. Fuel tank is empty or shutoff valve is closed, or fuel line or fuel tank cap vent is clogged.
2. Carburetor is overchoked.
3. Carburetor is improperly adjusted or needs service.