QuestionI own a 1996 TORO WheelHorse Model #71185/6903150 and I have a brake adjustment problem. I have adjusted the brakes but they hardly stop the tractor. In neutral, on a hill, foot on the brake I am rolling. Parking Brake? Forget about it. What is interesting is the little bit of stop action I get in 1st gear. I depress the brake pedal about 1/2 way and I stop. However, in all other gears the brakes will not stop the tractor. Help is needed and appreciated. Thank you.
AnswerIf you look at the part diagram for you mower, Toro website, you will see there are 2 dowel pins located on the inside of the brake arm.
These pins will seize/stick from rust and debris. Remove the brake air and brake assemlby. When you remove the assemly be careful not to loose the metal plate located between the brake puck (pad) and the dowel pins. You will have to remove the puck to access the metal plate.
Once you have it apart, remove the dowel pins and clean the pins with a wirebrush or sander. Clean the inside of the pin holes with a small drill bit and steelwool. Just place a litte steelwool on the drill bit and insert it to the dowel pin hole to clean the inside.
Lightly grease the pins, re-assemble and adjust the brakes.
Should work like new.