Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): carburetor leaking into engine, engine crankcase, hp engine

1999 john deere sabre  model 164hs with 15.5 hp engine.the carb is pouring gas into the engine/crankcase.I assume it is a stuck float,but there is an electrical connection on the bottom of the carb that I don't know what it does.could this be the problem?I haven't taken the carb apart yet,just drained the oil

Leaking inlet needle valve/seat or stuck float.  Regardless, replace the inlet needle and seat.

The solenoid you see is the anti-afterfire solenoid.  It is designed to prevent fuel from entering the main carb fuel pickup tube, elulsion tube, and prevent the engine from back-firing when you shut off the engine.

The solenoid has nothing to do with leaking gas.  That problem is a stuck float and/or inlet needle/seat leaking.
