Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): kohler CH25S, spec number, fuel filter

John, I am having trouble with my grasshopper 225 bogging down whenever it comes under a load. It sputters and backfires (like there is water in the gas) and then if I turn the blades off it will idle back to running smoothly (most of the time). It was serviced prior to mowing season and was running fine. Since this has started happening I changed the fuel filter. It ran well for a little while and then I got the engine wet while washing it off and now it is doing it again. Also, is the fuel filter suppose to be completely filled with gas? Thank you, David

   Though hard to imagine, it could possibly running on one cylinder
which can be eliminated by unplugging each spark plug and seeing if it runs, then you will know what side is not working right.  Then
you will have to determine if it is spark or compression related.

  Also the clear filters can be deceptive, and from your details there may just be some water in the gas, or the water might be
doing something electrical with the ignition, or your engine might have "Smartspark", which has its own electrical oddities.

If you could find the "spec" number off of the tag, I could look it up and see.
