QuestionI have a Sabre 1546G tractor with a starting issue.
When I turn the key I get a clunk/loud click from the solenoid area without a hint of turning the starter over.
As advised by my local JD dealer, I have changed both the starter key switch and the solenoid. These both did absolutely nothing. The same problem exists.
I can and do start the engine easily by jumping the solenoid posts.
Other than this starting isuue the tractor is perfect.
Can you help a fellow 'expert'. I am in TIG welding.
Dean in IL.
AnswerIf you have only one small wire connected to the solenoid this wire needs to have 12 vDC when you turn the key to the start position. I have had connections at the safety switches cause low or no voltage. A dirty ground connection can also cause the problem.
First place I always start it to dis-connect and clean the battery terminals and cable ends with a wirebrush...fixed a lot of machines doing this. With the battery dis-connected it is a good time to load test it. Seen a lot of batteries with just one cell weak cause the problem.
With a good battery and clean battery connections, check the small wire on the solenoid for 12 vDC when the key is in the start position and mower controls in the start configuration.
If no or low voltage, check the safety switches. The switches are simple open/close switches. An ohm meter or continunity tester works for checking the switches.
Let me know what you find.