Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lawn Mower always on high Idle, phillips head screws, toro mower

As soon as I start my Toro mower the engine starts right away and then usually idles down so i can start mowing.  The first time i turned it on this year, the engine started fine but it keeps idling very high and it wont slow down.  It seems like its going so fast, its going to blow up.  To start the mower you have to pull down a lever so it is flush with the handle.  I check to see if there was anything caught on the line keeping it at high idle, but it was all clear.  I have a Toro mower 6hp recycler self propelled when you squeeze the lower handle to move.  Any assistance would be appreciated.


Attatched to the throttle, there's a spring. You can access this spring by removing the first cover from the engine. It's held on by two phillips-head screws. The spring attatches in two places; the throttle lever, which moves, and a small loop made of metal. Bend this piece of metal until the spring becomes less springy. Run the engine while you do this so you can set the idle speed.