Tecumseh modle housed
You have saved me before, now I need your help to save a neighbor. He inadvertently hooked up the battery incorrectly on his YardWorks garden tractor. When he smelled smoke he disconnected it but by then some damage was done. The engine is a Tecumseh 15.5 Hp Model OVA90EA, SPEC 208029C, DOM 06073LB0190, ENGINE FAMILY—6TPXS4902AA, 490CC.
Some wires were melted leading under the flywheel to what I would call the ignition module--It is circular with a bunch of coils on it, it is fixed to the block and does not rotate. I disassembled the unit and attach a picture of it. I cannot find any other damage or fuses that are blown. As you can see, it looks like some kind of fusible link has melted. Before disassembly, I tried to jumper the two wires but it instantly started to spark like there was a short. I used a ohm meter and there is continuity through the module picture. I don’t believe that is correct but I am not sure.
So, question 1, can you tell me if there was a fusible link or something in the red wire. Question 2, Although the module “looks” OK, given that there is continuity through it, does that mean it has cooked itself inside and needs replacement. It looks expensive, so I would hate to replace it and blow it again.
Your assistance is appreciated.
AnswerThat is the engine's alternator, and that fuse was likely a rectifying diode, a part which may be obtained from a Radio Shack, I am not sure, but would be expensive, so worth a try.
See if the tractor will start and run with this disconnected, as it only
recharges the battery, and maybe lights or an electric pto, but it still will start and run.