QuestionQUESTION: I have a briggs 407777-0167 type E1 that the governor fell apart on. I removed the retaining, but can not remove the governor gear. The shaft seams loose in the oil pan. The gear and the shaft rotate together (I believe that I need to remove the shaft from the oil pan but can’t figure out how.
Also I need to replace the rings and managed to strip the bolts on two of the con-rods (I am not sure how). I tried a bolt out to no avail. I am going to cut the heads off unless you can suggest something else
Thanks in advance,
ANSWER: These engines had a lot of gov. problems, and most had the blocks replaced under warranty, because the gov shaft overheated and
came loose. So unless you want to buy a $1200 shortblock, you might want to slow down a bit.
The gov gear just snaps on the shaft, so if it comes out when you pull it, that might be better, because making it lock into the block is your goal.
I would leave the rods alone, because if you need to replace a rod on an engine made before 2004, then you need to buy a new crankshaft as well, so leave them alone
Just try to pop off the gov gear first, with a flat lever, and tell me what you find.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your previous help. I got the gear off, finally. The shaft came out of the block with the governor gear. The gear had seized to the shaft and I used a torch to pull it off. I cleaned up the shaft with some sandpaper and rebuilt the engine.
It works great after I removed the fuel solenoid (more advice from your archives, thanks!).
My only problem is that the governor gear replacement part came with a slip of paper stating that I should not use my old governor spring. It provided a chart as to what new spring to use based on engine RPM. I don’t know what my engine’s engine speed and there is no cross reference to the old spring numbers, so I can not buy the replacement spring. Can please help me one more time and let me know what the engine speed is for the 407777-0167-E1.
AnswerJust use the old spring, they have a vast number of different springs because the rpm needs vary by every different piece of equipment the engine could go on, and usually are determined by the mower's manufacturer to regulate the blade tip speed, so I would just go with the original.